List of Works: 1. The intersection of two quadrics, Ph.D. Thesis, Cambridge 1972 (unpublished) 2. Hyperelliptic linear systems on a K3 surface, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 13 (1976), 427--437 3. Special linear systems on curves lying on a K3 surface, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 13 (1976), 454--458 4. Elliptic Gorenstein surface singularities, 1975 (unpublished) (figures incomplete) 5. Bogomolov's theorem c_1^2 <= 4c_2, in Proc. international symp. on algebraic geometry, Kyoto, Kinokuniya 1977, 623--642 6. Surfaces with p_g = 0, K^2 = 1, J. Fac. Sci. Tokyo Univ. 25 (1978), 75--92 7. Surfaces with p_g = 0, K^2 = 2, 1978 (unpublished) (incomplete) 8. pi_1 for surfaces with small K^2, in Algebraic geometry (Copenhagen, 1978), Springer LNM 732, 1979, 534--544 9. Canonical 3--folds, in Journee's de ge'ome'trie alge'brique d'Angers, ed. A. Beauville, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen 1980, 273--310 10. Lines on Fano 3--folds according to Shokurov, Mittag-Leffler Inst. report 1980 No. 11 (unpublished) (errors to fix) 11. Minimal models of canonical 3--folds, in Advanced studies in Pure Math. 1, Analytic varieties and algebraic varieties, ed. S. Iitaka, Kinokuniya and North-Holland, 1983, 131--180 12. Decomposition of toric morphisms, in Arithmetic and Geometry, papers dedicated to I.R. Shafarevich, Birkha"user 1983, Vol II, 395--418 13. Projective morphisms according to Kawamata, Warwick preprint, 1983 (unpublished) 14. Surfaces of small degree, Math. Annalen. 275 (1986), 71--80 15. Tendencious survey of 3-folds, in Algebraic Geometry, Bowdoin 1985, ed. S. Bloch, Proc. of Symposia in Pure Math. 46, A.M.S. (1987), vol. 1, 333--344 16. Young person's guide to canonical singularities, in Algebraic Geometry, Bowdoin 1985, ed. S. Bloch, Proc. of Symposia in Pure Math. 46, A.M.S. (1987), vol. 1, 345--414 17. Undergraduate algebraic geometry, LMS student text series, C.U.P. 1988 (pp. 129 + viii); Russian edition Mir, Moscow 1991; Japanese edition Iwanami, Tokyo 1991 (pp. 213 + ix); Chinese edition Shaanxi Normal Univ. press, 1992 (ISBN 7-5613-0648-2, 2.90 RMB); Persian edition Tehran, 1997 (pp. 166 + vii)); Spanish edition by Tomas Lajous in preparation 18. The moduli space of 3-folds with K = 0 may nevertheless be irreducible, in Hirzebruch Festschrift, Math. Ann. 278 (1987), 329--334 19. Quadrics through a canonical surface, in: Algebraic Geometry -- Hyperplane sections and related topics (L'Aquila 1988), Springer LNM 1417 (1990), 191--213 20. Infinitesimal view of extending a hyperplane section, in: Algebraic Geometry -- Hyperplane sections and related topics (L'Aquila 1988), Springer LNM 1417 (1990), 214--286 21. Campedelli versus Godeaux, in Problems in the theory of surfaces and their classification, (Cortona, Oct 1988), F. Catanese and others Eds., Academic Press 1991, 309--366 22. Surfaces with p_g = 3, K^2 = 4 according to E. Horikawa and D. Dicks, in Proceedings of Algebraic geometry mini-symposium (Tokyo Univ., Dec 1989, distributed in Japan only), 1--22. (See my website + surfaces) 23. Nonnormal del Pezzo surfaces, Math Proc. RIMS 30 (1994), 695--727 24. Undergraduate Commutative Algebra, LMS student text series 28, C.U.P., Nov 1995, (pp. 153 + xviii), (Japanese edition, Iwanami Tokyo, Mar 2000) 25. (with Y. Ito) The McKay correspondence for finite subgroups of SL(3, C), in Higher dimensional complex varieties (Trento, Jun 1994), M. Andreatta and others Eds., de Gruyter, 1996, 221--240 26. Chapters on algebraic surfaces, in Complex algebraic varieties, J. Koll\'ar Ed., IAS/Park City lecture notes series (1993 volume), AMS, 1997, 1--154. (See my website + surfaces) 27. (with F. Catanese, M. Franciosi and K. Hulek), Embeddings of curves and surfaces, Nagoya Math. J. 154 (1999), 185--220 28. Graded rings over K3 surfaces, in abstracts of Matsumura memorial conference (Nagoya, Aug 1996), 11 pp. (See my website + surfaces) 29. McKay correspondence, in Proc. of algebraic geometry symposium (Kinosaki, Nov 1996), T. Katsura (Ed.), 14--41, Duke file server alg-geom 9702016, 30 pp., rejected by Geometry and Topology 30. (with Tom Bridgeland and Alastair King), Mukai implies McKay: the McKay correspondence as an equivalence of derived categories, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 14 (2001), 535--554, preprint math/9908027, 27 pp. 31. (with Alastair Craw), How to calculate A-Hilb C^3, in Geometry of toric varieties (Grenoble, 2000), collection S\'emin. Congr., {\bf6} SMF 2002, pp.~129--154; preprint math.AG/9909085 32. La correspondance de McKay, S\'eminaire Bourbaki, 52\`eme ann\'ee, novembre 1999, no. 867, Ast\'erisque 276 (2002), 53--72 preprint math/9911165, 20 pp. 33. (with A. Corti and A. Pukhlikov), Birationally rigid Fano hypersurfaces, in Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds, A. Corti and M. Reid (eds.), CUP 2000, 175--258 34. 25 years of 3-folds -- and old person's view, in Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds, A. Corti and M. Reid (eds.), CUP 2000, 313--343 35. (with S. Papadakis), Kustin-Miller unprojection without complexes, J. Algebraic Geom. 13 (2004), 563-577, preprint math.AG/0011094, 18 pp. 36. Graded rings and birational geometry, in Proc. of algebraic geometry symposium (Kinosaki, Oct 2000), K. Ohno (Ed.), 1--72. (See my website + 3-folds) 37. Examples of Type IV unprojection, math.AG/0108037, 16 pp. 38. (with S. Alt{\i}nok and G. Brown), Fano 3-folds, K3 surfaces and graded rings, in Topology and geometry: commemorating SISTAG (National Univ. of Singapore, 2001), Ed. A. J. Berrick and others, Contemp. Math. 314, AMS, 2002, pp. 25--53, preprint math.AG/0202092, 29 pp. 39. (with A. Corti), Weighted Grassmannians, in Algebraic Geometry (Genova, Sep 2001), In memory of Paolo Francia, M. Beltrametti and F. Catanese Eds., de Gruyter, Berlin, 2002, 141--163, preprint math.AG/0206011, 27 pp. 40. Update on 3-folds, Proc. of the ICM 2002, vol. II, pp. 513--524, preprint math.AG/0206157, 14 pp. 41. (with Kaori Suzuki), Cascades of projections from log del Pezzo surfaces, in Number theory and algebraic geometry -- to Peter Swinnerton-Dyer on his 75th birthday, Alexei N Skorobogatov and Miles Reid editors, CUP 2003, pp. 227--249 42. Constructing algebraic varieties via commutative algebra, in Proc. of 4th European Congress of Math (Stockholm 2004), European Math Soc. 2005, pp. 655--667 13 pp., preprint available from 43. (with Balazs Szendroi) Geometry and Topology, CUP Nov 2005, ISBN 0521613256, pp. 241 + xxii 44. (with Margarida Mendes Lopes and Rita Pardini), Campedelli surfaces with fundamental group of order 8, Geometriae Dedicata 139 (2009) 49--55, preprint: arXiv 0805.0006, 10 pp. 45. (with Gavin Brown and Michael Kerber), Fano 3-folds in codimension 4, Tom and Jerry, Part I, Compositio Math 148 (2012), 1171-1194, preprint arXiv:1009.4313, 33 pp. 46. (with Yuri Prokhorov), On Q-Fano threefolds of Fano index 2, in Minimal Models and Extremal Rays (Kyoto 2011), Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 70, 2016, pp. 397--420, preprint arXiv:1203.0852, 22 pp. 47. Gorenstein in codimension 4 - the general structure theory, Algebraic Geometry in East Asia (Taibei Nov 2011), Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 65 (2015) pp. 201-227, preprint arXiv:1304.5248, 30 pp. 48. (with Anita Buckley and Shengtian Zhou), Ice cream and orbifold Riemann-Roch, Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Matematicheskaya 77:3-4 (2013), 461--486 issue dedicated to I.R. Shafarevich, preprint arXiv:1208.0457, 29 pp. 49. (with Gavin Brown), Diptych varieties. I, Proceedings of the London Math Society 107 (6) (2013), 1353-1394. preprint arXiv:1208.2446, 50 pp. 50. (with Gavin Brown), Diptych varieties. II, Apolar varieties, Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry (Kawamata 60), Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 74 (2017) pp. 41--72, preprint arXiv:1208.5858, 23 pp. 51. (with Gavin Brown and Jan Stevens), Tutorial on Tom and Jerry: the two smoothings of the anticanonical cone over PP(1,2,3), EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 8 (2021) 25–38, arXiv:1812.02594, 12 pp. 52. The Tate-Oort group scheme TOp, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 307 (2019), 245--266, get from Book translations: ================= T1. H. Matsumura, Commutative ring theory, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 8, C.U.P., 1986 (pp. 320 + xiii) T2. V.V. Nikulin and I.R. Shafarevich, Geometries and groups, Springer Universitext, 1987 (pp. 251 + viii) (Japanese translation Springer Tokyo, 1993 (pp. 304 + xiii)) T3. I.R. Shafarevich, Basic notions of algebra, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 11, Springer, 1990 (pp. iv+258) ISBN: 3-540-61221-1 T4. I.R. Shafarevich, Basic algebraic geometry, Second edition (revised and supplemented), Springer Verlag, 1994, 2 volumes, (pp. 303 + xviii and pp. 269 + xiv) (Japanese translation, Springer Tokyo). Third edition, Springer 2013 T5. E. Date, M. Jimbo and T. Miwa, Solitons: Differential equations, symmetries and infinite dimensional algebras (Iwanami, 1992), Cambridge tracts in math. 135, CUP 2000, 108 pp. + ix Books edited: ============ B1. Klaus Hulek (chief editor), Fabrizio Catanese, Chris Peters, Miles Reid (editors), New Trends in Algebraic Geometry -- EuroConference on Algebraic Geometry (Warwick, July 1996), CUP/LMS lecture notes 1999, pp. 483 + viii ISBN: 0-521-64659-6 B2. A. Corti and M. Reid (editors), Explicit birational geometry of 3-folds, CUP/LMS lecture notes 2000, pp. 349 + v B3. Alexei N Skorobogatov and Miles Reid (editors), Number theory and algebraic geometry -- to Peter Swinnerton-Dyer on his 75th birthday, CUP 2003, 300 pp. + vi Work currently in progress: ========================== P0. M. Reid, Five early pieces (a volume in preparation containing the unpublished works [1, 4, 7, 10, 13]). See + Five early pieces P1. More chapters on algebraic surfaces (sequel to [26]), projected book, currently approx 200 pp. See my website + surfaces. P2. What is a flip? preprint and lecture notes. See my website + 3-folds + What is a flip? P3. (with Colin Ingalls) A 3-torsion Brauer class over PP^2, currently 15 pp. P4. (with Gavin Brown) Diptych varieties and Mori flips of Type A, Parts III and IV, currently 35 pp. plus 50 pp. of notes. See website P5. (with Gavin Brown) Extreme K3 surfaces and high Type II unprojections, currently 10 pp. P6. (with Becky Leng and Magda Sebestean) Trihedral G-Hilb, currently 12 pp. P7. (with Stavros Papadakis) Quasi-Gorenstein unprojection, currently 20 pp. P9. Relative fractional canonical algebras and the general Godeaux surface, currently 48 pp. P10. (with Sarah Davis and Timothy Logvinenko), How to calculate A-Hilb CC^n for 1/r(a,b,1,..,1), 37 pp., submitted to the Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, special volume dedicated to Algebraic Geometry. Available from Traps website