Towards a viable structure for our undergraduate course ======================================================= There is at present a complete lack of honesty or clarity of thought in our undergraduate teaching. Together with our students, we are trapped in a treadmill that has grown up around us without anyone planning it, where genuine issues of learning, teaching, science and student welfare are all sacrificed to ridiculous rituals of exams and preparing for them, a system having no detectable purpose other than upholding a self-justifying class division of graduates into firsts, seconds, thirds and fails. We make ourselves the laughing stock of the university and of the country by taking in students with higher A level grades than other departments, and passing out a higher proportion of them with thirds, pass degree and fails. Each of us puts a big fraction of our professional lives into teaching, knowing that much of it is wasted, and that a significant number of our students understand less about math on graduating than when they entered. At the other end of the scale, we have many excellent students; but our system also misdirects much of their time, effort and competitiveness into a quest for exam marks that is frankly contemptible, when they could be studying serious math or acquiring other cultural accomplishments. Instead of offering them a challenge and rewarding original thought, we put a ceiling on their aspirations and reward poverty of ambition. A couple of weeks ago at the University of Madison, I noticed a little plaque on a building saying that in the 1880s some famous crank introduced Revolutionary Teaching Methods: students were not examined at all and could study whatever they liked (with some slant towards dance and other forms of physical self-expression). But can anyone seriously maintain that this would be worse than the disaster we currently have on our hands? I propose an analysis from first principles along the following lines: (1) What are we good at? (2) What is our student intake? (3) Can we replace our exams by checks and tests designed to enhance learning, teaching, science and student welfare? (4) What kind of education can we give to students not destined to become research mathematicians? We all know the answer to (1). We're good at doing math research, at training research mathematicians, at giving courses at MSc or doctoral level. Along with that, we also know exactly what we want to teach in 3rd or 4th year MMath courses; the quality and variety of our MMath courses speaks for itself. The inevitable conclusion is that one emphasis of our undergraduate teaching must be to recruit and to prepare students for our MMath, MSc and PhD programs. Question (2). We are in mass education. We take in 200 or 250 kids, selected from the brightest school-leavers in the country, with top A level grades. We don't have any control or even serious influence over how or what the schools teach, and we have absolutely no way of distinguishing the students that are growing into research mathematicians from those whose A level grades will be the peak of their intellectual career. (Cambridge does no better: apart from the top 2 or 3, the quality of their students is exactly the same as ours.) Of this intake, perhaps one or two will fail at the end of their first year and another half-a-dozen at the end of their second year, perhaps two dozen will transfer to other Warwick departments such as business studies, and each and every one of the remainder will win a Warwick math degree in 3 or 4 years time. The inevitable conclusion is that it is our moral and political duty to provide each of these young human beings with an appropriate course of study. It is at this point that an honest analysis would benefit us, and lack thereof is extremely damaging. As we all know, whereas our top students are capable of becoming research mathematicians, and the majority can do undergraduate math perfectly well, a significant minority are never happy with first year math, and go from bad to worse in later years. In fact our course structure, coupled with misplaced perseverance, unrealistic expectations and lack of imagination on the part of the students means that many of them will end up doing as many as 8 or 9 specialist math courses in their 3rd year of which they understand not one word. The guy who has demonstrated that he can't do quadratic forms in MA242 Algebra I or least common multiple of integers in MA246 Number Theory may well end up offering MA359 Measure Theory and MA408 Algebraic Topology. There is no point in arguing about numbers here -- whether this third category is 10\% or 40\% of our students does not in any way affect the argument that we have the duty to cater for them. Question (3). Our current elaborate system of rigorous exams is incredibly destructive, and it is hard to understand why on earth we have slavishly accepted it as necessary for so long. A scientific test should take away a tiny sample for analysis, without interfering with the working of the organism as a whole. Instead of this, our exams cut off the entire body and soul of our undergraduate teaching. It is completely grotesque that instead of seeking self-fulfilment in math or other subjects, our students are forced to spend 2 1/2 terms of every year preparing for exams. Incidentally, the obsession with examinations that blights our teaching is a close reflection of the childish fallacy that progress can be achieved in any area by measuring results, close monitoring of figures, compiling league tables and naming-and-shaming the under-performing. Setting and marking exams involves a huge and unpleasant effort on the part of the lecturers, and sitting them take up 6 entire weeks of Term 3 (Academic Office is currently working out plans to devote another week to them). What on earth is the higher purpose served by this rigorous classification of students that makes this expenditure of time and effort worthwhile? Although the exam results are expensive to produce, at no point do we subject them to serious statistical or epidemiological analysis to help us improve the health of our course or the lot of our victims. In fact the main use of the exams is to enforce the British class system, and to provide an easy criterion for financial houses to recruit our better graduates. Why should all the course have the same style of exam? Even if we accept the necessity of classifying our victims rigorously, we don't need all the main courses in Years 1--2 to have 2 hour exams with 4 questions, all at the same level of difficulty. In view of the stated aim of establishing the Honours/Pass and the I/II.1 borderlines, some of the courses with extensive assessed components could be one hour, with just one hard and one easy question. Surely it would be worthwhile to experiment around with other models to find something that works. We should think out the aims of each assessment and exam, and limit its scope to what is necessary to achieve it. We must start heading towards some kind of recovery from the current disaster over the next few years. For practical reasons, it is imperative that any change to our teaching or assessment from now on should reduce, not increase, the effort of examination. At present, most first year courses have innumerable in-term assessments (whose marking is stretching our supervision system to breaking point), followed by exams in Week 7 and september resits. When these assessments were introduced, we should thought of ways of reducing the weight of the exams. Let me suggest another principle: of the taught material, about one third should be assessed on the spot, only about one third examined at the end of the year, and the rest should be studied by ambitious students as background for future courses, and for its interest. (That is an ideal aim -- I don't know how we persuade students to take the third component seriously.) Question (4). The main beneficiaries of our course are the students leaving with a low I or II.1. This is the fraction who have no ambition to do math research, but who can study undergraduate math perfectly well for 3 or 4 years before starting the personally fulfilling, intellectually challenging and well remunerated career in a financial house they thoroughly deserve. Here I'm concerned with the tail; we must find an effective and cheap solution to this problem. Whereas TQA told us that we shouldn't fail a single student, for 3 years up to the present year, our BSc lists included something like 20 x II.2s, 15 x III, together with a good number of passes and fails. It is dishonest of us to deny a share of the responsibility for this dreadful waste of young people's lives. Just because this year's bunch happens to be high scoring is no cause for complacency -- the current first and second year lists give every indication that next year BSc list will be as bad as usual. I am convinced we can and should find a system that is simple, effective and cheap, and allows us to eliminate the pass/fail tail-enders in our BSc lists, and reduce the number of II.2 and III down to a handful. Our aims should be: (a) To detect possible tail-enders in good time. (b) To find out how their interests can best be served inside the department or outside. (c) To get them into some rewarding math courses (modules). (d) To prevent them from doing an overload of math courses they will not benefit from. (e) To persuade them to take outside options where appropriate. And most important, to do all this effectively and cheaply. As models for what can be achieved, take the interviews with first year tail-enders at Jan of Y1, and MA397 Consolidations; each of these is a life-saver for a significant number of students. But much more is needed: year after year, both Y1 and Y2 boards pass through a couple of dozen students who we known perfectly well are potential problems. The Y1 board rarely fails anyone, and does almost nothing to give tail-enders a shock, despite holding trump cards in the shape of september resits. Every year, the Y2 board fails half a dozen students and puts another half dozen on the pass degree. Next year we will have 11 pass degree students in Y3, and I'm jolly glad that I won't be exam secretary when they come up before the board. I propose that we should award ourselves additional powers to impose conditions on these tail-enders. We should introduce a "pre-pass" category (or "proceed to honours"), drawing the line at 55\% at the end of Y1 and Y2 (with the usual bordeline arguments about people just below the line). Students in this group should be subject to restrictions on what courses they are allowed to register for: (i) they are treated as BSc in Y2 even if on the MMath; (ii) they are prevented (or strongly discouraged) from taking the 2/3 core courses in Y2; (iii) they are capped at 90 Cats of Math courses (thereby obliging them to look for outside options); (iv) they are put on MA397 Consolidations in Y3. We don't need any change to regulations to introduce this, just to make creative use of the existing exam boards and registration arrangements. My scheme does not involve very much in the way of new resources (except for teaching MA397 Consolidations, which is money well spent). We tell the students in PYDC that the department operates such-and-such rules. They can argue about any of the rules, for example, getting back onto the 2/3 core courses by showing that they can handle the material in assessments. (In any case, this is a real mistake of strategy for them, since they get better marks and more credit by taking the exam one year later.) We enforce the rules where appropriate by using the deparmental signature on registration paperwork (that is, these named students are not allowed to use the rubber stamp on their registration forms, that must be signed by the named tutor or year coordinator). In practice half of these students will pull their socks up in any case and get back to reasonable scores in later years (and some from the higher classes may come down), but the aim is to ensure that they all get the best chance to do so. (These rules are not in course regulations. But the rules that are solemnly written out in course regulations are not actually enforceable if the student is determined to get away with it. If we tell the students firmly that the department will not allow them to register unless they conform, they will mostly obey.) This is my final diatribe as exam secretary. Miles Reid, Mon 2nd Jul 2001